Cascade Medical Centre
98 Ridgewood Drive, Box 610
Princeton, BC V0X 1W0
Tel: 250-295-4482 Fax: 250-295-4484
Patient Information
Appointments with your physician should be booked in advance and can be booked at the clinic or by phone. Please notify the Medical Office Assistant of the specific reason (or reasons) for your visit. This will allow the medical office assistant to book you an appropriate appointment and advise you of any special instructions. Your physician will see you for the reason you provided when booking your appointment.
All of our staff and practitioners are part of your professional medical team and will work together to provide you with the best possible medical care, while safeguarding your confidentiality. Please arrive on time for your scheduled appointment. Anyone over 5 minutes late will be required to rebook at a later date.
Behaviour Policy
Our practitioners and staff are valued professionals, trained to provide care under sometimes difficult circumstances. Please treat them with courtesy and respect. Any rude or aggressive behaviors will not be tolerated. See the full Behaviour Policy.
Cancellation Policy
Please be advised if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, as a courtesy to both the practitioner and other patients the expectation for patients is to call and cancel their appointment 24 hours prior. Appointments not cancelled may be subject to a no-show fee .
New Patients
Looking for a family physician? Fill out our Request for Attachment form and return it to the clinic to be put on our waitlist. Patients must live in Princeton and surrounding area as well as Hedley residents.
Please provide as much detail as possible on this form, as we are prioritizing patients with high medical needs. This includes patients with chronic illnesses, mental health diagnoses, chronic pain, addictions as well as very elderly and very young people.

Personal Information
Please help us keep our records up to date by informing us of any changes to your phone number, name, address, or care card number. This will allow us to contact you when necessary and ensure that referrals and investigations move forward.
Prescription Refills
Appointments are required for all prescription refills and we encourage you to rebook to renew your next prescriptions before you leave the clinic. Appointments can be booked for up to 3 months in advance.
Opioid and Triplicate Refills: Prescriptions for opioid/narcotic medications require an appointment with your doctor. We ask that you book your next appointment before leaving the clinic for your next refill. We have strict guidelines on early dispensing and a patient/physician contract may be required to ensure patients are adhering to these rules. For more information, please refer to the College of Physician and Surgeons of BC Safe Prescribing of Drugs with Potential for Misuse/Diversion.
Referrals & Test Results
Once a referral is made to a specialist’s office, it is up to their office to contact you when an appointment is available, however depending on waitlists you may not be contacted right away. Our staff are not able to provide results over the phone, unless directed by the physician. Appointments are required for all test results.
Interior Health recently launched MyHealthPortal which gives patients secure online access to their Interior Health patient record. This Portal allows access to your lab results, diagnostic imaging reports, as well as visit history. See for more information.
For information on Lab hours or fasting, please see the Lab Instructions.
To book a lab appointment please call 1-844-870-4756 or visit
Thinking of moving to Princeton? New resident of Princeton?
Check out our information page regarding care available, clinic info and recommendations before you move.
Transfer of Care
If you would like to request a change to a new practitioner in our clinic, please complete the Transfer of Care form and return it to our office before December. Transfer of Care requests will be reviewed annually and you will be informed of the outcome of your request.

Planning on moving
away from Princeton?
It is recommended that before you move to a new town or city that you find out the medical care options available to you and ensure you have a suitable supply of medications to carry you through several months.
Speak to your current practitioner of your plans to move so they can coordinate or redirect any outstanding referrals to a new specialist(s). It is not possible to keep your Princeton practitioner if you have permanently moved to a new town or city. Your practitioner will provide care for up to six months in order for you to obtain a new GP in your new community.
Request any current lab results pertaining to your prescriptions dosages prior to moving away from Princeton. This information may be required before a new practitioner/locum/physician can fill your prescription.
Notify the front staff of your new address and contact number.
Once you have secured a new practitioner, you will be required to sign a consent to release records, please note fees may apply to transfer charts between physicians, and this fee is not covered by MSP.
Patients moving to the South Okanagan can be connected to a family physician or Nurse Practitioner by visiting to register to be matched to a primary care provider.