Cascade Medical Centre
98 Ridgewood Drive, Box 610
Princeton, BC V0X 1W0
Tel: 250-295-4482 Fax: 250-295-4484
Cascade Patients:
As we navigate through this pandemic, we want to ensure you that we are doing our part to eliminate the risks to our patients entering our office. These steps below outline what we are doing to ensure your visit is a safe and healthy one!
* Patients are spaced out when booked in clinic
* Patients are asked to wear a mask for their visit in clinic
* Limited patients in waiting rooms and spaced apart
* One patient per visit unless caregiver present (some exceptions apply)
* Patients are screened on the phone & at the door for any new Respiratory or Gastrointestinal symptoms
* Masks are worn by patients and staff while in the clinic
Our staff will continue to be booking telephone visits, virtual visits and in person office visits where appropriate. Thank you for your patience during this unique transition!
Please see a letter from our Practitioners and Staff regarding COVID-19 or visit our COVID-19 page for more information, updates and resources.
We are limiting visitors to the clinic - please call to book appointments rather than stop in.
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
COVID-19 also known as the Coronavirus is the cause of an outbreak causing respiratory infections. The symptoms of COVID-19, which can include fever, sore throat and cough, are similar to other respiratory infections, including influenza. The number of cases is rapidly increasing worldwide.
For up to date information on COVID-19 please visit or HealthlinkBC for more information regarding precautions, symptoms and self-isolation measures.
According to the BC Centre for Disease Control if you have respiratory symptoms that can be managed at home, self-isolate at home for a minimum of 10 days after onset of symptoms. After 10 days, if your temperature is normal and you feel better, you can return to routine activities. Coughing may persist for several weeks, so a cough alone does not mean you need to continue to self-isolate for more than 14 days.
Check out the BC COVID-19 Assessment Tool to help determine if you need further assessment or testing for COVID-19.
Resource Links
New COVID-19 app with Support and Assessment Tool
To access your results after a COVID test, see the handout provided by Interior Health
Self Isolation Info:
Questions about Self-Isolation & Solution to Common Barriers - Interior Health
Do's and Don'ts of home Isolation - Ministry of Health
To view a poster of Keeping Lung Disease Patients Safe, click here!
Vaccination Info:
For information on how the CDC is making COVID-19 vaccine recommendations visit:
For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit the Interior Health website